Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary Examination 2024 Questions
Paper Answer Keys

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary authority recently started conducting examinations in different
ways. They have conducted Preliminary written examinations for Group 2 Executive and Non
Executive posts in February 2024. Here is the general overview of Andhra Pradesh Public
Service Commission Examination.

This examination follows a crucial step in the selection process aimed at filling all their
vacancies totalling 897 with diverse positions such as Assistant Commercial Tax Officer, Deputy
Tehsildar, Assistant Labour Officer and Extension Officer and among others. The aspirants can
download the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 2 answers keh from the
website. The PDF file is carrying all the answers with all their question paper sets published on
the website.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary Exam Overview

The Group 2 aspirants can check and compare all their answers for the position of Executive
and Non Executive through their respective websites.
For Executive positions, there are 331 openings such as Assistant Register, Deputy Tehsildar,
Assistant Labour Officer, Extension Officer and Assistant Development Officer.
For Non-Executive positions, there are a total 566 openings with junior assistant, auditor,
accountant, inspector and senior auditor and junior assistant.

The selection process was announced in December 2023 under the Group 2 category. The
application form was accepted by the government authorities from 21st December 2023 to 10th
January 2024 through the official website.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 2 Preliminary test was held in the first
place for the written examination process. It was designed to check the aspirants knowledge of
current affairs, General aptitude and understanding of the state’s social, political and economical
conditions. This was the important part for the aspirants for advancing to the main examination.
After the Application process, the preliminary exam was conducted in an offline mode with 159
objective type questions.

The aspirants only had 150 minutes to solve all the questions of the preliminary examination. Also with the standard of Andhra Pradesh government the question paper had covered all the important topics to evaluate comprehensive abilities of all aspirants.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary Group 2 Answer Key- Objection Period

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Committee is all set to upload all the preliminary answer keys.
This is the most crucial process in the selection process allowing all the aspirants to check their
performance and examine their scores. The answer sheet with all the questions set is expected
to be available on Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission official website within three days
of the last examination date.

Additionally, the commission authority also provides a place for aspirants to raise their
objections against the preliminary answer key if they have any doubts and query it. The
objection process is also very vital component in the examination system ensuring all the
aspirants Transparency and fairness in the evaluation process. All the aspirants are advised to
check all the answer carefully and if they have any query then they can submit that within the
stipulated time frame given by Andhra Pradesh government.

How to Download Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary Group 2 Answer Key

● Aspirants need to visit the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission official website.
● Search for the ‘Notification/Announcements’ button on the homepage.
● After finding the link titled with ‘Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 2
Preliminary Exam Answer Key 2024’ click on it.
● All the Answer key will be available in the PDF format with all the details for the
understanding of the aspirants.
● Aspirants then download and print it for the comparison of their answers.
● Lastly compare all your answers carefully with those in the PDF to estimate your
performance and score.

For other latest job updates : Click Here

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary Group 2 Result 2024

According to the commission authority the result will be announced in the next 4 to 8 weeks of
the last day of the examination on the official website. Also official notification was passed
mentioning that more than 4 lakh aspirants participated in the preliminary examination and was
held at 1327 different venues in 24 districts of Andhra Pradesh.
The Group 2 preliminary exam results carrying a list of all shortlisted aspirants for the main

Cut-Off Marks for the Group 2 Preliminary Examination

The aspirants scoring higher cut-off marks will be considered for the next level. The marks are
40%, 35%, 30% and 30% for the different categories such as OBC, SC and SC respectively.

Salary of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary Group 2

The salary pay scale of the Andhra Pradesh Group 2 for executives ranges from Rs. 26,600 to
Rs. 49,870 for executives and Rs. 16,600 for non executive positions as per the government
rules and regulations. The salary package also includes different allowance such as traveling
allowance, employee provident fund and government scheme benefits. The government also
provide increments and promotions at particular experiences.

Official Website: Click Here

About Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Preliminary

The Andhra Pradesh public service committee was established on 1st November 1956.
Formally the commission was known as the Andhra Service Commission based on the
regulations of Madras Public Service Commission. After some time it was formed by merging
Andhra Public Service Commission and Hyderabad Public Service Commission. The Andhra
Pradesh Public Service Commission was functioning with only two members and one chairman
and Hyderabad Public Service Commission was functioning with Only one member. After
merging the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission was functioning with one chairman
and 3 members.

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